Since 1970, we have put our customers first, and pride ourselves on our ability to help all parties achieve their goals. We complete every service, every delivery, with safety and efficiency top of mind.

Our teams have a keen understanding of what it takes to be successful in the bulk transportation business; we have the diversity to meet your needs, and the dedication and expertise to get the job done right. For over half a century, our customers have trusted us to always deliver.



Our commitment to safety is paramount to our success in business. We have a culture of ownership, where every employee is responsible and accountable for keeping themselves, their teams, our customers and communities safe and healthy. Whether moving liquid petroleum products, industrial chemicals or edible oils, we strive to always provide transport that ensures the highest standard for security and safety.



The Transportation and Logistics Division within J.D. Irving, Limited contains one of the widest arrays of logistical service providers in the global market today. 



atlantic towingharbour development  kent linejdi logistics 

nbm railwaysrstsunburyuniversalTCC logo-no BG.pngirving    


For more information on the companies that are members of the J.D.Irving, Limited Transportation and Logistics team, please click below.

For more information on the companies that are members of the J.D. Irving, Limited Transportation and Logistics team, please click below.